Looking for ways to celebrate women’s history this month? Join the U.S. Capitol Visitor’s Center for Capitol Conversations.
Check out this week’s interesting Zoom tours !
WEEKDAYS AT 1 p.m. — Join our engaging guides and visitor services team on Zoom for Capitol Conversations – live, interactive, virtual discussions about the U.S. Capitol. During Capitol Conversations, our staff will discuss some of the U.S. Capitol’s historic spaces, artwork, artifacts and statues.
Monday, March 29 – Sakakawea & Sarah Winnemucca: Native American Women Statues
- The National Statuary Hall Collection is made up of statues of people who made a significant impact on their state and American history, but only eight are Native Americans and indigenous peoples. Learn about the only two statues of Native American women in the Capitol — Sakakawea from North Dakota and Sarah Winnemucca from Nevada.
Registration: https://www.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJItcOqvrzMjG6oP9eBePDHQ9PIgS8…
Tuesday, March 30 – Helen Keller
- Alabama’s statue of Helen Keller is the only statue in the Capitol depicting a child, which is just the beginning of her story. Learn about Helen Keller and her life of activism.
Registration: https://www.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJItdu-vrTMjGXWeCuv2OZKgMrEvyd…
Wednesday, March 31 – Women’s History Month Wrap-Up
- Learn about the lasting legacy of women in American history and the continuing struggle for women’s rights.
Registration: https://www.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJItd-uspzkvGIk0XCBU9QyDbWk0pp…
Find more information at visitthecapitol.gov.